Basic instructions
Basic instructions
Basic instructions and information videos on individuals taxation are available. Topics like filing a tax return, accessing and reading the tax assessment and use of the personal tax credit. This same material is also available under the respective topics on the main website.
Íslensk útgáfa
Processing your own tax issues
Instructions on how to access various information and communicate with the tax authorities through self-service.
Other languages
Íslenska - Polski - Lietuviškai
Personal tax credit
Inform your employer about how much of your personal tax credit to deduct from your salary.
Other languages
Available with English and Swedish subtitles.
Did you work in Iceland last year?
Basic instructions on how to file a tax return.
Other languages
Íslenska - Polski - Lietuviškai - Español
Simplified tax return
Only intended for short term residents who have no dependent children and cannot use the online form. Open the tax return by clicking your language below.
Form available in:
English - Polski - Español - Russian
Tax assessment
Instructional video on how to access and read your tax assessment.
Other languages
Available with English subtitles.