Collectors of Taxes

The Directorate of Internal Revenue collects taxes and duties for the National Treasury in the administrative district of Reykjavík, which includes the city of Reykjavík, Hafnarfjörður, Garðabær, Kópavogur, Seltjarnarnesbær, Mosfellsbær and Kjósarhreppur. 

The Directorate also supervises and guides the collection procedure elsewhere.

Outside the administrative district of Reykjavík, the District Commissioners handle the collection of taxes and duties.

District commissioner Social Security Number
Account number Telephone
Sýslumaðurinn á Vesturlandi 660914-1100 Stykkishólmur; 0309-26-11
Akranes: 0186-26-353 og 0552-26-1018
Borgarnes: 0326-26-338
Búðardalur: 0312-26-370
Sýslumaðurinn á Vestfjörðum 411014-0100 0153-26-4110 4582400
Sýslumaðurinn á Norðurlandi vestra   0307-26-995 4582500
Sýslumaðurinn á Norðurlandi eystra 680814-0820 0565-26-10660 4582600
Sýslumaðurinn á Austurlandi 410914-0770 175-26-10511 4582700
Sýslumaðurinn á Suðurlandi 680814-0150 Selfoss: 0325-26-702
Hvolsvöllur: 0182-26-19
Vík: 0317-26-6808
Höfn: 1147-26-6808
Sýslumaðurinn í Vestmannaeyjum 490169-7339 0582-26-2 4881019
Sýslumaðurinn á Suðurnesjum 610576-0369 0121-26-3160 4582200

See also the Directorate of internal revenue bank accounts

Last updated may 2015
